Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why racial stereotypes exist

How black people and Jews were depicted throughout history serves to show the capacities in which racists are comfortable with them. The caricatures are fantasies, ideal, comforting situations that make bigots feel good, that’s why they exist. This is offers insight on what racists want now, how they want to see black people and as indicators of what they do not want, of what makes them uncomfortable.

The African tribesman/
This one is so primitive that even a barely literate person can feel superior. The black people they encounter are usually nothing like this, so this provides them with relief on several levels.

It means that black people are not real competition. It is a reminder that if you think of them this way they are more funny and pitiable than threatening. It takes the unknown out of the equation. You know what they are, and you don’t have to fear them since they are too dumb and backward to be really threatening. The need for caricatures like this is greater when the person is less secure about their own accomplishments in society.

The violent criminal/conniving villain
This stereotype provides comfort in that it excuses the brutal impulses. It means that you are justified in lynching or in threats because they would do worse to you. All of them. Anything you do, no matter how brutal, is justified because that is how they are. They are like cockroaches that by existing in your house deserve death. You get to transfer all your bitterness and bloodlust to these insects because they are evil by nature. In addition to this you get a feeling of moral superiority. You have never raped anybody, never stolen, but these people have. Simply by never having done something you get to feel righteous unlike those people who need good works to do that.

The big penis/financial genius/good ones
This is a concession. By conceding that the people you loathe do have “useful” qualities you add legitimacy to the supposed weaknesses. It’s like the exception that proves the rule. You get an excuse, you are not some evil bigot, you are just “honest”.


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