Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Real life is “unimaginable”

"I just can't believe that there's people in the world that are capable of this type of hate," Ashley Markham, 26, told ABC's "Good Morning America" today. "This is just unimaginable." via Daughter of Slain Fla. Couple: 'This Is Unimaginable,'

Since when is murder “shocking” or “unimaginable”? Since TV that’s when. People get their news and their entertainment from the same medium it is inevitable that they get the two mixed up sometimes. It’s unimaginable because they think that what they see on the news happening to other people every day doesn’t really exist. They never in a million years thought that the crime that they see every night on the evening news could come out of the picture-box and affect them.

It’s like going to the doctor and getting a cancer diagnosis. You need to know now that something at some point has to kill you. You just learned the truth from a guy on the Internet, but you know what? You probably still don’t believe it. You think that somehow you are going to live forever.

All of these people think that if you live far enough from the real world, out in their gated suburbs free from minorities and poverty that somehow real life will never touch them. They get immersed in their lives of quiet comfort and forget that there is a world of people who want more than what they have so they get shocked when anything bad happens. Sequestering yourself from real life makes everything “shocking”.


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